Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Two meeting will be held on Thursday, February 18th.

The first meeting will be the Police Commission at City Hall at 6:00pm. The meeting will provide public comment about the porn scandal surrounding the Police Department.

The second meeting will be the Rutland Recreation & Parks Department at Dana School at 7:00pm. The meeting will provide information and questions about the proposed $4,725,000 bond placed on the March Article for the construction of a Recreational Center. The business plan for this facility is expected to be released at this meeting. 13 days till Town Meeting Day and the business plan will finally be available for view and questions. For more information provided by the Recreation Department, please visit:

RTU will be providing more information regarding this issue as it becomes available. Please check back soon!


  1. The Police Commission meeting was covered by the Herald but so far there has been no feedback from the Recreation Department meeting. Do you have any of their financial information?

  2. No financial information was disclosed at the meeting. EJ Bishop stated he does have a business plan with financial statements, but is considering whether or not he wants to disclose it. I would suggest everyone who is looking for this important information contact his office 802-773-1822 or send him and

  3. The Rec Center is supported by several members of the Board of Aldermen, not all. I attended three of the so called public info meetings hoping to received fiscal numbers to support the message of Cent for the Center. I have yet to get that information. When quirying the Aldermen, they had no better information but continue to support this despite the lapse of supporting financial documents. When push came to shove on the issue of the promised Business Plan, I was hammered by two for asking them to have our Rec. Dept. Head provide these figures.
    I question what would prompt our elected officials to support a major $5 million project without fundemental info. My theory, a dummied down voting population means less work for them, the Rec. Dept.gets executive office suites, and the board can marvel at some exotic architecture while we go broke. We now have $18 million in bonded debt, if all bond and loan articles pass will bring this to $25 million bonded liability for the City. Mr. Biship did not promise to provide a hard copy only that he would answer questions at his office. At this late date, I can only assume there isn't one and the reason some of his answers to repeated identical questions have been vague if not contrary from one meeting to another. The architect confirmed a need for a hot air mechanism to support the "Bubble" 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, has a 10-15 year life span, now add heating, utilities, maintenance, added employess and legacy costs. The last meeting failed to present costs vs. revenues. Another "White Elephant." No matter if this fails to meet any unknown revenues, we will be on the hook for a 20 year repayment note without knowledge of warrantee features or even a mandatory bond by the manufacturer. The Aldermen at their best. What other community does this and is not starring at bankruptcy by it's population or mass exodus. Poor leadership has lead this community into chaos in every city department.
