On Tuesday members of the Board of Alderman and residents got their chance to ask questions about the most captivating scandal in recent years. A Police officer accused of child porn on his work computer and other damaging evidence found in his personal locker within the department. The Police Chief appeared at the Board of Alderman meeting to answer about what he did and when.
A timeline, starting back in July 2009, was given out at the meeting. This timeline was a press release put out by Chief Bossi. The timeline clearly states pornography was found on the computer. This in itself is against city policy, aside from the possible criminal offense. The timeline also states there was a 12 day gap between when the City Police received the computer in question back from the repair service and when they called the State Police for a child porn investigation. Why the twelve day delay? Why was the person in question not suspend for violation of city policy? Why was the police commission not notified? Why was the Mayor/City Attorney not notified? The questions go on and on.......
As a result of the mismanagement, not notifying proper officials and not following city policy has led to much speculation within the Police Department. This is not fair to the whole PD for the actions of the officer in question and the City Police Administration. The Board of Alderman need to take control of this situation and change the charter to require notification of any instance of violation of City Policy. Chief Bossi should be reprimanded, at the very least, for lying, failing to follow city policy, putting the city at a great risk of liability and creating mistrust within the department that has already had two different moral reports that point towards mismanagement by the Brass.
Moral Reports, what ever happened to those moral reports? Maybe this is a good time to take action and resolve the ongoing issues within the PD
A timeline, starting back in July 2009, was given out at the meeting. This timeline was a press release put out by Chief Bossi. The timeline clearly states pornography was found on the computer. This in itself is against city policy, aside from the possible criminal offense. The timeline also states there was a 12 day gap between when the City Police received the computer in question back from the repair service and when they called the State Police for a child porn investigation. Why the twelve day delay? Why was the person in question not suspend for violation of city policy? Why was the police commission not notified? Why was the Mayor/City Attorney not notified? The questions go on and on.......
As a result of the mismanagement, not notifying proper officials and not following city policy has led to much speculation within the Police Department. This is not fair to the whole PD for the actions of the officer in question and the City Police Administration. The Board of Alderman need to take control of this situation and change the charter to require notification of any instance of violation of City Policy. Chief Bossi should be reprimanded, at the very least, for lying, failing to follow city policy, putting the city at a great risk of liability and creating mistrust within the department that has already had two different moral reports that point towards mismanagement by the Brass.
Moral Reports, what ever happened to those moral reports? Maybe this is a good time to take action and resolve the ongoing issues within the PD
This is a clear case of a true blue cover up if I ever saw one.The cops have coped out on this one.The Chief need not resign,He should be Fired and have charges brought against him.