Alderwoman, Sharon Davis, stated "the Chief did not violate policy, I disagree". She went on to make references from the Police Department manual. Policy states when an internal investigation is started, he must immediately notify the Police Commission Chair of the the investigation - that did not happen. The police Chief was also to notify and forward all documents to the City Attorney - that did not happen. Davis went on to alleged he violated his oath of office, by violating the public trust and a symbol of public faith. She concluded, "I think policy was violated according to the police policy".
Alderman Dress continued with that thought and asserted leadership is lacking. He went on to say that "perception is reality".
Alderman Robinson pointed to the Morale surveys and how they pointed towards the mistrust the officers had with the Police Administration. Alderman Robinson also had a slip of the tongue stating "We now have two Sergeant's involved in a", at this point he refrained from continuing his statements. This would make one believe the identity of the other incident of Internet usage violation could be a Sergeant within the Police Department.
Alderman Notte responded to a mention of they are Monday morning quarterbacking, "Monday morning quarterbacking is essential to managing the Police Department". Scrutinizing the Chiefs actions, decisions and questioning them are part of managing the Police Department.
The Board then heard public comments and went into executive session. No motion was made during that executive session. The Police Commission is expected to meet again in the next few weeks and file a report to the Board of Alderman.
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