We need to do an email campaign to contact our Rutland City Legislatures to introduce the recent Charter Changes in this legislative session. The Government Operations Committee have been contacted and they need our local delegations to introduce a bill.
Here are the email addresses of our Rutland City Legislatures:
Peg Andrews - mandrews@leg.state.vt.us
Gale Courcelle - gcourcelle@leg.state.vt.us
Peter Fagon - pfagan@leg.state.vt.us
Steve Howard - showard@leg.state.vt.us
Responses so far:
I have been in touch with the city clerk and I already have the language which I will vigorously support in front of Gov Ops. The language must first be delivered to the Secretary of State, the language is en-route. The Secretary of State will deliver the language to Legislative Council who will insure it is appropriately drafted and then deliver it to me to get the signatures of the other Rutland City Representatives then get it on the calendar of the House. Then it will be sent to Government Operations and the process will continue.
This is the process but "crossover" does not impact charter changes so this will get done.
Peter Fagan
An official drafting request has been submitted to legislative legal staff.(I had given them a "heads up" copy of the language as soon as the sample ballot was available)
Peg Andrews
Rep. Andrews has let you know that the Charter changes are being drafted . As Representatives of Rutland ,we would always present what the voters have voted on.
We have started the process for the Charter changes. The committee will take up the Bill soon after it is drafted and before we adjourn. It will be given a Bill number , given to the committee and put on the committee's agenda. It helps to have someone come to the state house to testify to the committee , when the Bill is taken up by the committee. This person can be helpful in case there is some information that is not easily known from the draft.
We will keep you informed about the Bill number and when it will be presented in committee.
Rep. Andrews has let you know that the Charter changes are being drafted . As Representatives of Rutland ,we would always present what the voters have voted on.
We have started the process for the Charter changes. The committee will take up the Bill soon after it is drafted and before we adjourn. It will be given a Bill number , given to the committee and put on the committee's agenda. It helps to have someone come to the state house to testify to the committee , when the Bill is taken up by the committee. This person can be helpful in case there is some information that is not easily known from the draft.
We will keep you informed about the Bill number and when it will be presented in committee.
Gale Courcelle
Gale Courcelle
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