Months after the Library Board of Trustees, surprised the public and the Board of Alderman by exclaiming they needed to relocate, not have backed out of that idea. The Library was looking at teaming up with the Housing Trust of Rutland County and the Rutland Redevelopment Authority to make the move one block west because of problems with their current rent free building. The problem claim are mostly due to water and moisture issues, stemming from roof leakage and ground water seepage into the basement area.
Library Board of Trustees claimed they decided not to make the move because of purely financial reasons. They stated the Housing Trust led them to believe the cost would be manageable for them, well turns out that was not the case.
The Library does not pay rent for current location, which begs the question of why the City does not quit-claim deed the property to the Library. This would hold the Library accountable to do necessary repairs with the operating money received from the various towns.
The Board of Alderman approved on Tuesday the place in front of the voters an article asking for $500,000 loan not to be less than a 10 year term, not to exceed a 4.25% interest rate. This loan will go to pay for immediate repairs to alleviate water and moisture issues within the Library.
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