The final budget meeting was held by the Board of Alderman on Tuesday night. $74,000 out of a $18,000,000 budget was cut. Most of the Mayor's projects were approved, clearing way for the voters to have the final say on the budget in March. Copy of the article in the Herald can be found here. Some members of the Rutland Taxpayers United were on hand to discuss some budget items and new ways of providing current city services.
Health insurance seems to be the glaring current expediture that can be controlled easily. This year the taxpayers will have the vote if city employees should be required to pay a minimum of 20% of their health insurance. Please vote "YES" for this article to provide the same level of city services with reduced cost to the taxpayer.
During the meeting a comparison was done between the South Burlington and Rutland Fire & Police departments health insurance premiums. Resident and RTU member, Shawn Pemrick, stated South Burlington (same population as Rutland) health insurance premiums for the Fire Department were $500,000 less than Rutland's. The Police department was also $500,000 less than Rutland's as well. The Board of Alderman need to do their homework and start comparing what we spend and look for alternative cost control measures.
Health insurance seems to be the glaring current expediture that can be controlled easily. This year the taxpayers will have the vote if city employees should be required to pay a minimum of 20% of their health insurance. Please vote "YES" for this article to provide the same level of city services with reduced cost to the taxpayer.
During the meeting a comparison was done between the South Burlington and Rutland Fire & Police departments health insurance premiums. Resident and RTU member, Shawn Pemrick, stated South Burlington (same population as Rutland) health insurance premiums for the Fire Department were $500,000 less than Rutland's. The Police department was also $500,000 less than Rutland's as well. The Board of Alderman need to do their homework and start comparing what we spend and look for alternative cost control measures.
One of the differences between South Burlington and Rutland is that Rutland expenses the Health insurance costs of retirees against the department (Fire, Police, Public Works) budgets from which he/she retired. Whereas So. Burlington lumps all retirees Health insurance costs together in a separate area elsewhere in their budget.