Did you get your water & sewer bill last week? Got questions? Unhappy with the retroactive billing? Sick of the double digit increases year after year? Go to the Board of Alderman meeting tomorrow, Monday October 4th, 2010, at 7pm at City Hall. There are numerous residents attending to ask questions and protest these recent increases.
The Board of Alderman recently increased water rates by 25% with a combined water and sewer rate of 10.5%. Alderman Dress, Sargeant and Depoy voted "NO" for this increase. (Alderman Larson was absent from this meeting) Alderman Barrett, Notte, Tilden, Robinson, Coleman and Davis all voted for this increase. If you would like to contact these Alderman please click here for details.
The Board of Alderman voted on this increase on September 20th, the effective billing date is June 20th 2010 (click the link for the notice) Most ratepayers meter's were read in the month of May or early June. City Hall cannot keep their costs in line, but now insult the ratepayers by retroactively billing for this summer time water usage.
“The crime of taxation is not in the taking it, it's in the way that it's spent.” This board came out of the committee of the whole with a motion to pass a 5% increase, instead they passed a 10.5%. there was a motion made by Alderman Sargeant to increase the rates by 6.5%, with the layoffs of two employees - motion did not pass.
When will our government work with less? When will they reduce benefit packages? When will they sub-contract out work that can be done by private enterprise? The answer is you! Have you had enough and are ready to hold City Hall accountable, join our group.
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